Tue. Oct 15th, 2024

What was the Rochdale child sex abuse ring?

The Rochdale Asian grooming gang: (top row, left to right) PN* Adil Khan, Kabeer Hassan, Mohammed Sajid (middle row) Big Fat daddy I cant hide no longer PN* Shabir Ahmed, Abdul Qayyum and PN* Qari Abdul Rauf (bottom row, left to right) Mohammed Amin and PN* Abdul Aziz and Illegal Immigrant Hamid Safi.

Contact your MP for Rochdale and Gaza George Galloway asking why 3 *Pakistani Nationals Qari Abdul Rauf, Adil Khan and Abdul Aziz and a Afghan Hamid Safi all convicted child abusers are still walking the streets of Rochdale instead of Islamabad or Kabul instead?

Local Members of Parliament (MPs) | Rochdale Borough Council

George ‘This Is For Gaza‘ Galloway

In 2012, nine men were conviction of nine men for offences including rape and human trafficking on girls as young as 13 between 2005 and 2008 they was sentenced to 77 Years in the 1st Rochdale child sexual exploitation case by an all Asian Sex Gang. Their actions caused immense suffering to their victims, who were young and vulnerable girls that continue to this day.

  • Shabir Ahmed 
    • Convictions: Two rapes, aiding and abetting rape, sexual assault, and trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation.
    • Sentence: 19 years in prison.
    • Inside he’s still a Danger to Society and non Muslim prisoners
  • Kabeer Hassan (25 years old, from Oldham):
    • Conviction: Rape.
    • Sentence: 9 years in prison for rape and 3 years concurrently for conspiracy.
  • Hamid Safi (22 years old, an illegal immigrant with no fixed address):
    • Conviction: Conspiracy.
    • Sentence: 4 years in prison for conspiracy and 1 year concurrently for trafficking.
  • Abdul Qayyum (44 years old, from Rochdale):
    • Conviction: Conspiracy.
    • Sentence: 5 years in prison for conspiracy.
  • Mohammed Amin (45 years old, from Rochdale):
    • Conviction: Conspiracy and sexual assault.
    • Sentence: 5 years in prison for conspiracy and 12 months concurrently for sexual assault.
  • Adil Khan (42 years old, from Rochdale):
    • Conviction: Conspiracy and trafficking for sexual exploitation.
    • Sentence: 8 years in prison for conspiracy and 8 years concurrently for trafficking.
  • Mohammed Sajid (35 years old, from Rochdale):
    • Convictions: Rape, conspiracy, trafficking, and sexual activity with a child.
    • Sentence: 12 years for rape, 6 years for conspiracy, 1 year for trafficking, and 6 years concurrently for sexual activity with a child.
  • Qari Abdul Rauf (43 years old, a married father-of-five, from Rochdale):
    • Conviction: Conspiracy and trafficking for sexual exploitation.
    • Sentence: 6 years in prison for conspiracy and 6 years concurrently for trafficking.
  • Abdul Aziz (41 years old, a taxi driver, f
    • Conviction: Conspiracy and trafficking for sexual exploitation.
    • Sentence: 9 years in prison for conspiracy and 9 years concurrently for trafficking.

Shabir Ahmed Tried to Remain Anonymous.

The evil pedo predator who led the 1st Rochdale Asian grooming gang to be caught – Pakistani Shabir Ahmed – is locked up in Leeds prison and fighting efforts with the help of his tax payer funder free legal aid team to deport him back to his native Pakistan.

Serving a 22-year-old jail term for abusing young white girls, Ahmed, a former taxi driver, was described as the ‘ringleader’ of the nine-strong group found guilty of exploiting girls as young as 13 at Tasty Bites and another takeaway in Heywood from 2007.

Ahmed not only committed rape but ‘shared’ one of the victims with other men whom where most likely Pakistani or Asian at sex parties across the north. He also bought her alcohol and ferried her to sex parties for other men in return for cash, telling her girls could have sex from the age of 11 ‘in my country’ it really is a shame the Pakistani child rapist wasn’t in his own country with the other members of the sex parties when he said this.

Ahmed was convicted of two counts of rape, one sex assault, trafficking and conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a child.

Ahmed, who encouraged his little white victim to call him Daddy, told her: “Please don’t cry – I love you.”

Amazingly in 2022 it came to light that he was employed as a welfare rights officer by Oldham Council and despite multiple concerns being raised about him and his arrest for the sexual assault of children, police failed to tell his employers!

He admitted a year-long sexual relationship with another young girl.

The child rapist actually tried to dismiss the prosecution as ‘white lies’, even launching foul-mouthed tirades against the ‘racist’ judge and jury, Stopping short of this wouldn’t of happen in my country!

In court, he dramatically removed his shirt and pulled out a handful of his own chest hair in a bizarre attempt to show the jury that he sheds so much hair he would have left some at the scene of his crime even though the rapes happened years ago he expects there to be hair stuck to the children that he raped.

Shabir Ahmed the child rapist from Pakistan is appealing against a decision to strip him of UK citizenship and deport this undesirable creature back to a country more suited to his beliefs around children and sex.

Three others of those convicted Qari Abdul Rauf; Adil Khan and Abdul Aziz all launched their own tax payer funded legal bids against deportation back to Pakistan that have lasted years and costs £100,000s between them. Its emerged the Pakistani child rapist Aziz has been allowed to remain in the UK, with free legal hearings for Rauf and Khan continuing. Only the vile sweaty pig known as Daddy Amed is the only member of the gang behind bars. Watch out Watch out there’s a Qari Abdul Rauf about

Qari Abdul Rauf, of Pakistan a very prominent figure in the Rochdale Muslim community, was associated with the Rochdale Council of Mosques. He served as a member and held the position of Joint Secretary at the Dar ul llm Mosque in Rochdale and appears to still be involved with the mosque as his details are still listed, seems a bit strange that they would want a convicted child rapist listed but maybe they like him!

Qari Abdul Rauf, of Pakistan a very prominent figure in the Rochdale Muslim community, why did the Qari Rauf and the others, opt to ‘affirm’ that he would tell the truth – rather than swear on the Koran in court?. Maybe because the Muslims are allowed to lie for instance if it’s reconciling between two disputing parties and since the Qari Abdul Rauf and the other rapists where in dispute with the British Crown then you can see why they wouldn’t want to swear on the Muslims Koran. The father-of five worked as a qari, reading the Koran for the congregation at Rochdale’s Bilal mosque so only a Muslim would do that.

With himself claiming to be deeply religious and insisted in court that he only left the post to earn a better wage for his growing family then on the other hand you have his employers side that says he was sacked by the mosque because of poor time-keeping!. Mosque leaders denied he was never sacked because of allegations he had abused children. see: reconciling between two disputing parties

Despite his convictions, since his release back into civilisation Qari Abdul Rauf has been living in Rochdale, the same city where he abused children, nearly nine years after being ordered to be deported he’s still here! Britain putting 4 Pakistani child raping nationals human rights before any of their victims or even the British publics rights to live with out the worlds monsters in Britain why should we!. His presence and the other 3 rapist still playing the system has caused outrage, and there have been calls for their deportation. 

In court, he was constantly praying under his breath in the dock, to the annoyance of his co-defendants, one of whom punched him.

He wept when he admitted having sex with a girl in his VW Sharan taxi. It had been a ‘big mistake’, he said, claiming the girl looked ‘maybe 30’. Another girl, the prosecution’s main witness, told the jury she had sex with Rauf 20 or 30 times!.

Qari Abdul Rauf – Child Rapist

Rochdale child grooming: Anger as gang member spotted in town – BBC News

Convicted Rochdale grooming gang boss, 51, brags he WON’T be deported to Pakistan | Daily Mail Online

Teenager helps jail 10th member of Rochdale sex gang who forced her to pay rent in ‘sexual favours’ | Daily Mail Online

Hamid Safi, Illegal immigrant from Afghanistan Hamid Safi, of Kensington Street, Rochdale, was found not guilty of two counts of rape but convicted of trafficking and conspiracy. The 22-year-old, Illegal immigrant from Afghanistan, hid under a lorry to smuggle himself into Britain after travelling through Turkey and Iran, Captured in Birmingham in November, 2008, but released in March 2009. He claimed in court he self-harmed while he was in the detention centre to thwart efforts to deport him.

Jailed for four years after he was convicted of trafficking and conspiracy. He was also found not guilty of two counts of rape. Was He deported?

Mohammed Sajid, of Pakistan living in Jephys Street, Rochdale, was found guilty of rape, trafficking and conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a child.

The married father, then 35, abused a string of girls at a flat in Rochdale.

Coming to the UK from the same village in Pakistan as co-defendant Abdul Aziz.

Sajid lived in a flat off Whitworth Street used for scores of sex parties. Neighbours had noticed the stream of taxis parking up outside the property late into the night.

He had sex with a girl over a two-year period, later claiming thought she was at least 17.

He also raped another girl, creeping into bed while she was sleeping.

He was jailed for 12 years after he was convicted of conspiracy, sexual activity with a child, rape and trafficking. Earlier in the trial the jury was ordered to find him not guilty of one rape charge.

Abdul Aziz, of Pakistan living in Armstrong Hurst Close, Rochdale, was cleared of two counts of rape but was convicted of trafficking and conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a child.

He ferried the girls in his Taxi as far as Leeds and Bradford and was paid by the stream of men who used the girls for sex, getting £40 for each introduction. Known as Master Aziz or Tariq, the married father-of-three, 41, kept a stash of condoms in his taxi and they wasn’t to be used on adult women.

Jailed for nine years after he was convicted of trafficking and conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a child.

Abdul Qayyum, Married father-of-two Abdul Qayyum, of Ramsay Street, Rochdale, was convicted of conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a child.

He was regarded as pillar of Rochdale’s Pakistani community, first working as a taxi driver and then setting up his own vehicle recovery business from his home.

Two local councillors even wrote references for the jury, praising his hard work and how he had ‘fully adopted the British way of life’.

Jailed for five years after he was convicted of conspiracy.

Adil Khan, of Pakistan Kashmir living in Oswald Street, Rochdale, was convicted of trafficking and conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a child.

He like every other married Taxi driving child rapist Khan betrayed his wife by starting a sexual relationship with a girl – and just a few weeks after the birth of his first child. The young girl thought the 42-year-old was her boyfriend, telling the jurors he had treated her well.

Coming to Rochdale from Kashmir with his wife in 1997, Known as Billy by the young girls, he went to the sex parties although he claimed only to be playing cards or watching cricket, telling the court: “They weren’t girls – they were women.”

Jailed for eight years after he was convicted of conspiracy and trafficking.

Mohammed Amin Taxi driver, of Falinge Road, Rochdale, was found guilty of sex assaults and conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a child.

Known as Car Zero and drove a Toyota Lucida. Just like many of members of any Asian sex gang Mohammed Amin claimed ‘to have never met the girl’ he sexually assaulted with his penis maybe theu should of asked the penis. Self proclaimed tee-total a jury heard how he was regularly seen drinking beer in his taxi. Working for Eagle Taxis Mohammad was a regular at sex parties held at the flat off Whitworth Street in Rochdale, bringing a bottle of vodka with him and a friend who forced himself on one of the girls.

Jailed for five years after he was found guilty of sex assaults and conspiracy.

Kabeer Hassan, 25, of Lacrosse Avenue, Oldham, was convicted of rape and conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a child. Despite being the youngest member of the gang and worked at the Balti House in Heywood – where he still raped a girl.

In court, Hassan, who also worked at a fruit and veg stall in Oldham, attempted to paint himself as some sort of shocked onlooker trying to cope with the endless streams of abusive and drunken teenagers. Some of them, he said, were ‘aggressive and racist’. Some of the girls who visited the shop offered him sex for money, he told the court. Claiming to have been shocked at the pornographic DVDs other staff put on the upstairs TV for the stream of visiting girls he was ….

Jailed for nine years after he was convicted of rape and conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a child.


Who were the men in the Rochdale grooming gang and what happened to them? – Manchester Evening News