A sexual harm prevention order (SHPO) is an order made by a court under the Sexual Offences Act 2003 that places restrictions on a person’s behaviour in order to protect the public from sexual harm123. The order may impose any restriction the court deems necessary for the purpose of protecting the public from sexual harm3. SHPOs can last for any length of time, depending on the specific terms of the order ref to: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/police-crime-sentencing-and-courts-bill-2021-factsheets/police-crime-sentencing-and-courts-bill-2021-sex-offender-management-factsheet

Mohammed Imran Amjad, 26, of Halifax Road, Brierfield, admitted sexual activity with a child and three counts of child abduction in 2009 and 2010 now walks freely #AMONG US#
April 2013 A “predatory bully” who groomed a girl in Lancashire from the age of 13 before abducting and abusing her has been jailed for […]