Tue. Oct 15th, 2024

Another African Mohammed Tarik has been jailed for more than 20 years after he assaulted two women.

African Mohammed Tarik, 21, with St Stephens Crescent heritage, was sentenced for 20-and-a-half years at Southwark Crown Court on July 8.

Tarik previously pleaded guilty at the same court in February to three counts of rape, two counts of actual bodily harm, and one count of robbery.

Detective inspector Ian Kenward, the investigating officer, said:“Tarik is clearly a dangerous offender who posed a significant risk to woman. I am pleased that our investigation means he will now spend a considerable time behind bars.”

On November 11, 2019, Tarik approached a woman near to St Thomas’ Hospital in Lambeth. He followed the woman, aged in her 40s, before then punching and raping her.

He left the scene and officers soon took forensice samples but no DNA match was found.

On October 30, 2021, police were called to an incident where a woman was dragged down an alleyway and assaulted on the Hallfield Estate near Paddington.

A member of the public confronted him during the attack, and contacted the police. She suffered minor injuries and a DNA sample was taken of Tarik which linked him to the rape in Lambeth, two years prior.

Mr Kenward added: “I would like to praise the two women involved in these cases who both suffered such terrible and frightening experiences and I hope this outcome brings them a small amount of closure.

“This case demonstrates the Met’s commitment to tackling violence against women and girls. We recognise we have more to do in this area to ensure everyone feels safe in London, but we will do all we can to ensure victims are supported and offenders are brought to justice.”
