Tue. Oct 15th, 2024

A sex offender has been jailed after bragging to a friend on WhatsApp about an encounter he told police had not happened.

Chiziem Omisa, now aged 25, sexually assaulted a young woman in May 2019 after meeting her online and showering her with flirtatious and flattering messages.

The woman, who repeatedly asked him to stop, initially decided against calling the police but was identified by officers during a forensic examination of Omisa’s mobile phone.

The device had been seized when Omisa was arrested in connection with another alleged offence, and revealed a torrent of messages to her.

When detectives tracked the woman down, she recalled how Omisa – using an assumed name – had met up with and assaulted her at his student accommodation in Nottingham after finding her profile on Instagram.

She explained how Omisa had then pressured her to keep silent – even suggesting that she could be kicked out of her university if she took the matter further.

Damning evidence

Omisa was arrested again and denied any sexual contact with the woman.

However he was undone be a series of crude WhatsApp messages – sent to a friend on the day of the incident from his phone – boasting of an encounter with the victim.

Because Omisa had already admitted to being with the woman at the time, this single social media exchange proved to be a crucial bit of evidence,

Omisa later pleaded guilty to one count of sexual assault by penetration.

He also pleaded guilty to stalking two other young women he met while on bail for the Nottingham offence, and to perverting the course of justice.

Appearing at St Albans Crown Court on Thursday 27 June, Omisa, of Potters Bar, Hertfordshire, was jailed for four years and four months.

Restraining order and restrictions

He was also handed a restraining order forbidding any future contact with his victims, and made the subject of a sexual harm prevention order that will closely restrict his behaviour once he is released.

Specifically, Omisa will have to make all his electronic devices available for inspection by police, register all social media accounts with officers, and refrain from sending any unsolicited friend requests to women via social media.

Police Staff Investigator Kerry Humphreys, of Nottinghamshire Police, said:

“Omisa is a young man with an utterly toxic attitude towards women.

“Analysis of his mobile phone revealed a very clear pattern of behaviour by which he would use assumed names to relentlessly pursue them on social media and in person.

“Taken by itself this behaviour is not illegal, but refusing to take no for an answer is – as is harassing and intimidating women when they reject these advances. 

“Thanks to his own crude boasting and the bravery and determination of his victims, Omisa will now spend a considerable time behind bars and will face extensive restrictions once he is released.”


He pleaded guilty to one count of sexual assault by penetration. He also pleaded guilty to stalking two other young women he met while on bail for the Nottingham offence, and to perverting the course of justice.

Appearing at St Albans Crown Court on Thursday, June 27, Omisa, of Potters Bar, Hertfordshire, was jailed for four years and four months. He was also handed a restraining order banning contact with his victims and given a sexual harm prevention order that will closely restrict his behaviour once he is released.