Tue. Oct 15th, 2024

30th December 2022

Nozmul and Azizul Haque carried out their sickening abuse when the girl was between the ages of around 11 and 16, with the crimes only coming to light when she summoned the courage to report them to police in 2018.

Preston Crown Court heard she was also filmed in a shower by Azizul Haque and was then threatened and punched by him when she said she was going to report his offences.

The girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was not the only victim of the depraved brothers, as another young woman, who also cannot be named for legal reasons, reported similar abuse by Nozmul Haque during an incident which took place in 2015.

Upon reporting the incidents to the police, the brothers’ first victim was called a “slag” by Nozmul and was told she had “deserved it”.

Nozmul also bragged about his behaviour in respect of his second victim, although an apology was issued to the woman, but his attitude was described as “dismissive”.

Nozmul Haque, 30, of Fifth Avenue, Burnley, was arrested in October 2018 and denied the allegations.

He eventually pleaded guilty to two counts of assaulting a girl under the age of 13, eight counts of sexual assault of a female, and one count of sexual assault by penetration on a girl under the age of 13.

Azizul Haque, 36, of Gordon Street, Burnley, was arrested in May 2019, and when his phone was examined by police, they found indecent images of children as well as internet searches referring to teen schoolgirls.

He provided no comment in interview but eventually pleaded guilty to witness intimidation, voyeurism by installing equipment, 10 counts of assault on a girl under the age of 13, four counts of assault on a girl under the age of 15, possessing indecent images, and two counts of making indecent photos.

Judge Andrew Jefferies KC sentenced Nozmul Haque to three years and two months in prison, and Azizul Haque to three years and seven months in prison.

Both brothers were placed on the sex offenders register for life and were made subject to indefinite sexual harm prevention orders.
