Tue. Oct 15th, 2024
  • Raja Khan, 23, punched and raped victim while Adeeb Sultan, 27, abused her
  • Sultan also passed her to another man who sexually assaulted her
  • Police officer described the abuse as ‘truly despicable’

March 2013 

Two Asian men have been jailed for a total of 15 years after plying a 14-year-old girl with alcohol and drugs in return for sex.

Raja Khan, 23, raped the victim while Adeeb Sultan, 27, abused her and passed her to another man who sexually assaulted her during a five day ordeal in Birmingham.

Pictured the Asian Nonce Adeeb Sultan 5 years Sexual Assault on a Child

On one occasion the men tried to force the girl to perform a sex act on a taxi driver in a bid to get a lower fare.

Last month Khan was found guilty of rape and actual bodily harm while Sultan was convicted of two counts of sexual activity with a child and causing or inciting sexual activity with a child.

Today Khan, of Sparkbrook, Birmingham, was jailed for 10 years while Sultan, of Alum Rock, Birmingham, was jailed for five years.

During the seven-day trial at Birmingham Crown Court, the jury heard Sultan targeted the teenager after he saw her walking down the street with a friend in July 2011.

Speaking after the case, Detective Constable Amy Bates, from West Midlands Police Public Protection Department, said: ‘Sultan offered the girls, who were missing from home, the chance to hang out with him and his friends.

‘The pair went with him and began drinking vodka on the nearby canal towpath. Some time later, she was twice raped by a man on the Dudderston Mill Road canal with Sultan facilitating the attack.’

Over the course of five days, Sultan, who called himself ‘Dibbs’, plied the girl with alcohol and drugs. In return, she was raped by Khan, and abused by other unidentified men.

In one frenzied attack, in which she was punched in the face, Khan said that if she refused to have sex, her friend would be raped instead.

Despite suffering horrific injuries, the victim managed to run away. A passing motorist picked her up and took her to Stechford police station.

After being treated for her injuries, the girl identified Khan as her attacker. He was also captured on CCTV in the area at the time of the original attack on July 10, 2011.

When interviewed, he claimed to have been on the phone to his girlfriend, watching TV and playing on his PlayStation at the time of the offences.

But the jury dismissed his claims after Sultan’s DNA was found on his victim’s body.

DC Bates said after the case: ‘Sultan and Khan’s crimes are truly despicable. The pair deliberately targeted a vulnerable child and sought to exploit her for their own sexual gratification and criminal gain.

‘Their offences were truly sickening and have left an indelible mark on their victim. Despite her own personal trauma, the girl had the courage to report the matter to the police.

‘She put her fears to one side to provide a comprehensive statement, pick her attackers out in an identification parade and then go on to provide detailed evidence in court.

‘Her strength of character is to be commended – particularly for someone so young. I wish her well on her road to recovery.’

Sultan was ordered to sign the Sex Offenders’ Register for ten years and Khan was ordered to sign the register for life.

Both were also made the subject of a Sex Offenders Prevention Order for 10 years – preventing them from having contact with girls under the age of 16, and were disqualified from working with children.

Sexual predators who assaulted 14-year-old girl for FIVE DAYS are jailed for 15 years | Daily Mail Online