Jays Report

This Independent Inquiry was commissioned by Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council in
October 2013. Its remit, covering the periods of 1997- 2009 and 2009 – 2013, is appended.
The Inquiry applied the definition of child sexual exploitation which is used in Government
guidance and is set out in Appendix 4, paragraph 48 of this report. The methodology
included reading a wide range of minutes, reports and case files. We also interviewed over a
hundred people, either individually or in groups. I agreed with the Chief Executive that the
cut-off point for file reading would be the end of September 2013, and that any evidence
available to me up till June 2014 would be included in the report. A confidential email and
Freepost address was set up. A list of those interviewed is also appended.
At the beginning of the Inquiry, I agreed with the Chief Executive that I would refer to him
without delay any instances of individual children where I considered that their
circumstances needed urgent attention, or where there was immediate risk. I also agreed to
advise him of anything I encountered of a potentially criminal nature, which I would also refer
to the Police.
I was assisted in the Inquiry by Kathy Somers, independent consultant and Associate of the
Care Inspectorate in Scotland. Specialist expertise was provided by Sheila Taylor and her
team at the National Working Group Network on Child Sexual Exploitation, who also carried
out cross reading of a small number of files.
