Tue. Oct 15th, 2024

Judge rules the 31-year-old jailed for exposing himself can stay as his ‘risky behaviour’ would put him in danger if he was sent home

An Afghan sex offender avoided deportation after lawyers claimed his treatment of women would put him at risk of “mob violence” in his home country, there seemed to be no mention of the risk Mohammad Doe posses to women or even care for their safety of them here in the UK.

The 31-year-old Afghan asylum seeker was jailed for 12 weeks for “outraging public decency and exposure” and was placed on the sex offenders register for seven years. Its unclear as to when this asylum seeker was imprisoned for his sexual crimes to avoid deportation so he could already be walking Among Us.

However, at this time the Afghan has been awarded refugee status in the UK and avoided deportation after claiming it was a breach of his human rights to deny him asylum in the UK despite his lack of concern for the women’s human rights that he disregarded as he exposed himself to them.

Doctors told the immigration tribunal that the Afghan man, referred to only as DH, continued to act “inappropriately” towards women despite his conviction, but what the doctors couldn’t say was if it was all an act to avoid deportation just as many Muslim immigrants claiming to convert to Christianity to avoid deportation back to their Islamic countries, the latest example being another Afghan migrant sex offender who was allowed to stay in the UK by claiming to convert to Christianity Abdul Shokoor Ezedi

Christopher Hanson immigration tribunal judge who will never have to rub shoulders with the likes of Mohammed Doe agreed with lawyers that his “risky behaviours” would expose him to “ill treatment” and even “mob violence” if he returned to Afghanistan, it is unknown if the immigration tribunal judge Christopher Hanson even mentioned the danger to women this asylum seeker is or even cared so ruled that the sex offender should be granted refugee status, allowing him to remain in the UK.

Laura Farris, the Home Office minister, told Sky News that she would investigate the Afghan case. “It is absolutely right that the public expect ALL foreign offenders to be deported when their sentences are completed. I will look into that particular case,” she said.

Allegedly all foreign offenders face automatic deportation if they are sentenced to at least a year in jail. This is a reduction from two years, which was introduced by the Home Office following the Ezedi case.

However, Ms Farris suggested the Government could go further, saying her “preference” would be for all foreign sex offenders jailed for any length of time to be deported. “By and large, sex offenders should be removed from the UK,” she said.

It is understood the Home Office is considering a lower threshold than the one-year jail sentence for specific offences such as sex crimes, which would make it easier to deport foreign offenders for these offences but don’t hold your breath when the sex offenders and all foreign criminals with the help of tax payer funded left wing solicitors its against their human rights!.

Afghan sex offender avoids deportation over risk of ‘mob violence’ (msn.com)

Afghan sex offender avoids deportation over risk of ‘mob violence’ (telegraph.co.uk)