Sat. Jan 18th, 2025

Adnan Amjad, of Bell Dean Road, was found with 27 photographs and videos of children -nine were in Category A, the most serious – between January 23, 2018, and November 21, 2023.

He pleaded guilty at Bradford Crown Court to three counts of making indecent images of children as young as five. The court heard he was of previous good character.

Bradford Crown Court heard that police raided Amjad’s home after linking his email and mobile phone to indecent images of children. He was arrested after indecent material was found on two devices.

His Honour Judge Ahmed Nadim said: “There was evidence that you explore your sexuality in a way that is outside the norms of society.

“It is disappointing that a man of your age and your experience of life behaves in this manner because by committing these offences not only have you lost your good character for sexual offending [but] no doubt you have caused an immense amount of embarrassment and humiliation for your family.

“The kind of offences that have brought you before the court have a wider societal implication. In order to meet the sexual needs of men like you someone has to create those images.

“In creating those images very young, vulnerable children are exploited so that you can have your sexual fantasies met.

“By looking at those images you are creating a demand in the marketplace.”

He sentenced Amjad to an 18-month community order to run concurrently for each offence and ordered him to undertake 35 rehabilitation activity requirement days.

He made Amjad the subject of a five-year sexual harm prevention order and said he must also register as a sex offender for the same period.

Amjad was ordered to pay costs of £150.