MAY 2024
A paedophile attempted to rape a girl when she was just three years old. He then went on to rape her when she was older.
Erkan Karadogan, 52, of Cardiff, also sexually abused his victim before later sexually assaulting another young girl and an elderly lady. At a sentencing hearing at Cardiff Crown Court the defendant was described by Judge Simon Mills as a “frightening sexual predator” and a “selfish abusive bully”.
Karadogan, of Poplar Road, Fairwater, was found guilty of rape, four counts of attempted rape, two counts of indecency with a child, three counts of indecent assault, three counts of inciting sexual activity, and two counts of sexual assault. The court heard he was of previous good character except one minor conviction of a dissimilar nature.
In victim personal statements read to the court the first victim said: “I found it hard to figure out if certain parts of my personality is as a result of what happened to me. I don’t know as I didn’t know any difference when the abuse started to happen. Since the trial for the first time I felt anger and cannot focus. It’s affected family and friendships. When people talk to me I zone out mid-conversations.
“I am so tired all the time and burn out, switch off, and struggle to sleep. I have been like this for a year and I am on medication to help me with this. In the lead up to the trial I had nightmares about [the defendant] – him chasing me, half-dressed, and I can’t call out for someone. I recall struggling at school because I couldn’t focus. I struggle to focus because of the trauma I was going through.”
She added: “There was a time through my childhood I struggled with suicidal tendencies and looking at photographs of my self would make me cry. I have ongoing issues in terms of extreme stress. I had a number of bad romantic relationships where they have used me and I let it happen through being in so much trauma as a child. If I am honest I never trust anyone and wait for something to go wrong. In terms of [the defendant] I have changed from feeling fear to anger… I need this for closure and justice for what happened to me.”
The second victim said: “I would say what happened to me massively affected me and my mental health… As I got older I remember feeling scared and nervous … When the investigation was going on when receiving any form of update it would bring it all back up to me and stop me wanting to be intimate with my partner. I have anxiety and depression and can’t go a day without taking some form of medication. Waiting for the trial was stressful and affected my mental health. I found speaking out about what happened difficult and this process brought it all back.”
In mitigation Clare Wilks said her client is a Turkish man whose family live in Turkey so he would not have the same benefit of family visits as other inmates. He also has a partner who resides in Turkey.
Sentencing, Judge Mills told the defendant he “hasn’t shown a single shred of remorse”. He sentenced Karadogan to a total of 24 years imprisonment of which he will serve two-thirds in custody. He was also made subject to a sexual harm prevention order indefinitely.