Sudanese rapist Salah Koubar, 20, jailed for raping tourist after he was granted asylum now #AMONG US#

Feb 2017

A SUDANESE sex attacker has been jailed for raping a tourist outside a train station after he was granted asylum to stay in the UK.

Salah Koubar, 20, threw the South Korean woman over the railings at West Dulwich Station and dragged her into the bushes to carry out his attack.

A passer-by later found the woman running along the platform wearing only a T-shirt and knickers in the early hours of the morning. 

The court heard the victim had hoped to meet a friend on her last night in London before travelling home to South Korea.

Koubar met the woman at Freedom Bar in Soho, and promised to take her to another venue called VIP in Westminster.

The rapist took the woman’s phone away when she realised they were going in the wrong direction and ended up at West Dulwich Station where the attack began. 

Prosecutor Warwick Tatford described how a passenger catching an early train heard the woman’s screams and saw her running along the platform.

Mr Tatford said: “The victim grabbed the passenger’s arm and tried to use him as a human shield against the defendant.

“He described the female as ‘shaking like a leaf and with tears in her eyes’.

“He said she looked like she’d been dragged through a hedge backwards – little did he know that’s pretty much what had happened.

“He said the defendant appeared calm – or ‘a bit too calm really’.”

When Koubar realised the witness was about to call the police he jumped on a train seconds before the doors closed.

Koubar, who came to the UK via France and was granted asylum in this country, was arrested two days after the attack on July 26.

Jailing Koubar for seven years, the judge Mr Recorder Timothy Greene said: “It was terrifying for her to be in a strange city not speaking the language.

“You repeatedly lied to her and told her she could trust you. At some point you decided that you were going to have sex with her.

“Initially your attitude did not seem to be controlling or sinister.

“But then your behaviour became chilling. You took her phone off her, and then you took her bag.

“It was clear from the witness box of the effects your crime had on the victim. You took away her sense of security. Her self-image has been battered.”

Koubar showed no emotion as he was led to the cells.

He claimed he had paid the woman £200 for sex, but no intimacy had taken place.

Koubar of Densole Close, Beckenham, Kent, later claimed he then snatched her bag to try and get his money back.

He also said that the victim had ripped her clothes herself.

In an impact statement, the woman said she feared Koubar would kill her during the attack and no longer goes out after dark following the attack. 

She said: “I trusted him. I had no romantic intention with him at all.

“He betrayed my trust. I was really scared when he was doing what he was doing.

“I thought he might kill me because of his action and power.

“If a member of the public had not come to help me he could have done more.”

The woman had to delay her return trip to Korea for two weeks following the attack.

She added: “I was wearing a short dress and thought I was looking attractive and pretty.

“After the attack I felt it was my fault as I was wearing a short dress.

“I do not feel pretty anymore.

“I now buy long skirts and dresses.”

The victim said she believes Korea is a safer country but still cannot bring herself to go out after dark.

After the sentence DI Ian Trantum said: “As the judge described it, the events were chilling. The young victim came back from South Korea for the case and she was unbelievably brave to do so.

“She’s a remarkable young lady, as was a Good Samaritan who helped her. I pay tribute to him for the actions he took in the early hours that morning.”